• As the strongest group, the Government enacts laws as they wish, but not because they hold the most legitimate point of view. Yet, it is people's obligation to do what they believe is right and not to follow the enacted laws, specially when we clearly see that dictated laws are wrong; this is the legacy of Henry David Thoreau

  • When Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience in 1849 never would have imaged that his statements would still apply 159 years later. It was a fortune for him to clearly refuse the government's laws because 159 years later we have less freedom than in those years. For instance, our social security number is a way that law enforcement and "others" can track us for many purposes against us. Certainly many laws are created to deter us from following our own initiatives.

  • Thoreau states that if the government is unjust, people should refuse to follow the law and distance themselves from the government in general. One wonders how would we be able to do that in our times?
    If in protest of slavery, Thoreau refused to pay taxes and spent a night in jail, in our times that would cost us much more than that.
  • Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent-resistance which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world; as well as Bayard Rustin's several demonstrations of disagreements with the indignities against African American people, and further actions of Martin Luther King demonstrate that with Civil Disobedience we could accomplish changes. Still one swallow does not make a summer, but a group of people can achieve changes.
  • However, one wonders, who would be willing even to bother to take the bus instead of using the car to protest against gas prices? We all complain, though we all refuse to take a real action.
  • One can feel relieved with the protests of the Olympic Torch; at least, if nothing can be accomplished, our generations are making an statement of disagreement.
  • Internet and globalization are out there for us.
